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Winamp LED Visualization

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Winamp LED Visualization
Author: Afturmath

The LED meter is a rare mod that is used by only the most daring (read: can kill a parallel port) or well funded case modders. This mod uses the printer port to transmit data to an array of 8 LEDs, making them do whatever the user can find or write a program for. From WinAmp sound movement to system use, the possibilities are limitless. This guide will show you how to make an affordable and safe meter so you to can have one of the most visually entertaining mods on the market. The most common application of the LED meter is for WinAmp. Using a visualization plugin, music output can be displayed on the meter in 2 different ways- Boom indication (vertical meter), which indicates parts of the music rich in bass or when all the instruments hit a beat at once, and Music illustration (horizontal meter), which is the same effect as the equalizer visualization, only on your LED meter in your case. The meter can also display various system usages from CPU time to network usage to CPU temp.

Disclaimer: Twistedmods is not responsible for damage done to you or your computer because of this mod. You have been warned ahead of time of the risks involved, and by using this guide, the user assumes all responsibility for his/her hardware, software, life, and limb.

Materials Needed
  • 8 LEDs- Your choice in color and quantity of each. I recommend the use of 30mA LEDs and below.
    The forward voltage is 5V, so <5V is also recommended. Use >30mA at your own risk,
    because if it draws too much current, you will be out 1 parallel port.
    You will see later that I used 2 each of blue, green, yellow, and red, in ascending order.

  • 1 single sided printed circuit board- I chose the Radio Shack IC board. It is perfectly suited for this mod,
    and if you have the tools to split it in half, you can make 2 meters from 1 board (or on 1 board).

  • 1 DB25 male connector- can be any style (crimp-on, solder-on, etc) you choose. Must be able to plug into your printer port.

  • Resistors for Each LED- You decide on the LEDs, so you determine the resistors. Since it's a 5V forward voltage,
    a 3.7v 20mA LED would need a 68ohm resistor, 2.1V 30mA = 100ohm, 1.7V 20mA = 160ohm, etc.

  • Wire to connect between your board and plug- Can be anything from speaker wire to a ribbon cable to CAT5 (which is what I used in mine).

  • And the usual solder, flux, etc.

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